Brianna, Kelly and me freezing our tails off night of the Christmas parade (Dustin took the pic standing up on the court house steps) . The grandkids didn't mind the cold.. Brianna was just anxiously waiting for Santa to appear and Dustin was waiting for the candy to be tossed from the Santa float.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Parade and other fun things!
Bowl of greenery in the kitchen
Night of the Christmas Parade here in town, was very cold. My grand babies, Dustin and Brianna by the big Tree in the Court House lawn b/f the parade started.
Dustin standing on the Court House steps
Brianna excited about anything to do with Christmas. I was boxing up this Nativity Wreath to ship out.
Our decorated Christmas Tree! Dustin keeps it watered for me.
Miley in my olde prim chair.
A Santa I shipped out a week or so ago.
Here comes Santa Claus!! Finally what Dustin waited for the whole parade.. Santa's float with the "Elves" throwing out candy.. and he managed to get a Bag Full!!
Brianna was so excited Santa was waving at her.
Night of the Christmas Parade here in town, was very cold. My grand babies, Dustin and Brianna by the big Tree in the Court House lawn b/f the parade started.
Dustin standing on the Court House steps
Brianna excited about anything to do with Christmas. I was boxing up this Nativity Wreath to ship out.
Our decorated Christmas Tree! Dustin keeps it watered for me.
Miley in my olde prim chair.
A Santa I shipped out a week or so ago.
Here comes Santa Claus!! Finally what Dustin waited for the whole parade.. Santa's float with the "Elves" throwing out candy.. and he managed to get a Bag Full!!
Brianna was so excited Santa was waving at her.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Christmas Time around my House, December 2012
Brianna, Dustin and me at a Christmas Tree lot in Valdosta..Brianna quickly thought to make the tree branches into her Antlers! Very festive..LOL.
Front Porch
My Front Porch. We got tons of free Christmas Tree clippings from a lady at a Tree lot. Love the smell, will dread the "After Christmas Clean up!"
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Took Curly for a short walk in the woods today, he wasn't in the mood to go anywhere, just wanted to stand there beside me. If I moved then he would move, that was about it so I finally picked some shrubbery and then put him back in the yard. Goat is too lazy to pick it himself! I had to pick it and put it in the yard for him. He is supposed to be getting sheared late next week. I am dreading it so bad but it has to be done. It gets too brutal and is so hard on him cause he gets so upset. Well.. back to Georgia Bulldog game!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!
Dumb Thing To Do
Well dummy me, laid here trying to get to sleep at a halfway decent hour last night. Surfing channels after the football game was over. Tired of listeing to the same old programs all the time and ready to watch something different if FootBall isn't on....For some reason I stopped on that channel where THE HAUNTED was on. Never watched it b/f so I lay here on the couch watching it. Supposed to be true story accounts of haunted houses and the encounters people have had in them with the paranormal. In every episode the people had pets and the pets (usually always dogs) discerned and reacted to the paranormal activity right away.I know they say it is true that animals can discern that stuff easily. Anyways, I watched several episodes and needless to say my eyes are wide open the later it got, couldn't sleep. Laid here under a blanket on the couch with the dogs and cat piled on top of me, scared to death. Then of course I hear every little noise and sound that was made and I am sure some noises that were not real..LOL. I was too scared to get up and see what they were. Soooo, another sleepless night cause I did something really dumb! That sort of stuff has always scared me and I never go to see those scary movies, especially if they are supposed to be based on a true story cause I don't want to know! Thankfully tonight, tomorrow night and Monday night is all about FootBall! WootWoot!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Zoey's World.....
Poor Zoey!! So lazy anymore that she just lays there at her food dish and eats while lying down. I have got to start walking this dog!! She also likes to lay on the couch, on her back so she is upside down and has her head hanging at the edge of the couch looking at the TV and watching the cats and me walk by her..upside down. I guess maybe I shouldn't knock it till I try it huh?? Might be fun watching everything from that angle.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Long Story, Long Painful Day!
Drove to Valdosta this morn for my infusion treatment. Oh what a day.. not what i had hoped for. The nurse had a real hard time getting the plastic tube threaded into my vein for the IV. The right hand didn't work, they do it through the top of my hand, not in my arm. The vein did something and she couldn't get it to go in and ended up a bloody mess, got all over my wallet I had out of my purse an...
d just made a mess. And it hurt sooo bad b/f she gave up that I screamed and was in tears. Felt like a hammer hit my hand. So she did the other hand and got it in but was still extremely painful. This is the first time it has hurt this bad. Plus it took about 3 hours so it was a long session. Afterwards it was on to the lab for bloodwork. i figured after that nothing could hurt that bad but i was wrong. They stuck the top of my hand for blood that was just used for the infusion treatment and again I about went through the roof, then they did the other hand and finally got the blood. By the time the treatment was over and the lab work, I went out to the parking lot to leave and some noodle brain has parked so close to my van I couldn't even get between the vehicles, much less get the door open. Finally a gentleman from upstairs in the doc's office offered to get in on the opposite side and climb over the seat and back the van out for me, I can't do that due to my RA situation. The person had parked soo close that even this really thin man couldn't get between the vehicles., so he got in and climbed the seats and backed the van out for me. Finally I was able to get out of there, went to Olive Garden for the soup, salad and bread stick lunch, was delicious.. then tried to run some errands but felt light headed and woozy, pounding heart beat off and on.. and just didn't feel too good after my IV session, usually it doesn't bother me very much at all. I was hurting pretty bad also from a fall I took Friday so I ran just a few errands and the headed back to Moultrie. Started to rain a bit hard just as I got in. Got home around 5 in the evening. My fridge is old and on its last leg, it has water running out of it a lot and it puddles up in the middle of the floor... right in the path where you walk to go out the back door so needless to say, I didn't see how bad the puddle had gotten Friday and slipped down right in it and broke my big toe, bruised my feet and knee, hurt my arms, legs and back. I was able to finally get myself up after I just sat there and cried for about ten minutes I was so frustrated and it hurt! still feeling the pain. Hurts to wear shoes! This is twice in about a few months I have taken a spill from that puddle. The first time wasn't as bad. I keep a towel in the floor in front of it but it had gotten moved. Soon as I got home today, I took the dogs out, fed Curly, took my pain med , got my heating pad and blanket and parked myself on the couch!! I feel like I have been beat up and thrown in front of a truck! LOL. Hoping tomorrow will be better. On a better note, My sister and Sandy had their doc appts today also and both got good reports so kudos to them!! WOOT!!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Kelly's Rainbow!!
This is so amazing! My daughter Kelly took this pic yesterday with her cell phone. It is the end of a Rainbow!! It ended right in her driveway practically at her front door!!! Sorry, no pot of Gold! It is a little hard to see, comes in fr...
om left side across that telephone pole, It is right where I always park in her driveway which is practically at her front door. It was so amazing. I wz able to get the pic to enlarge on computer as downlaoad from forwarding it to my email but can't figure out how to save that one.. no options is very visible enlarged but still visible in this smaller one also. I told her maybe God is telling her that her storms are over. I definitely feel it is a prophetic thing.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
BullDawg Saturday!!!!!!!
Watching my Georgia BulDogs play! Their first game of the season....kickin butt so far! Love my Georgia Dawgs!! What a great way to start off a Saturday!! Go Dawgs Woof Woof!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 27, 2012
My other niece, Nesy and her little son Gabriel walking on the beautiful beach today in Bradenton, Florida.. my home town. Gee I miss home a lot lately! My sister (who also still lives in Bradenton..Nessy's mom) said the winds were kicking...
a little but not to bad there today. I am so ready to move away from Georgia some days, missing home more and more...but one little problem.. $$$$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Georgia has it beautiful points too. And I do really like where I live. I just get lonesome these days for what little family I have .. my sister Teresa & her hubby, my Niece, my only brother Jimmy and his wife..they all still live in Bradenton. My daughters are both here in Georgia but they are married and have their own lives and don't know that they will stay around this area especially Celena and Michael once he finishes college since being out of the Navy. But I am glad they are close by for now, about 40 minutes each direction..LOL..
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Around my little Barnyard Farm today
Cleo and Miley,. whata team. Miley (is my big white blue eyed Rag Doll Kitty), is useless and lazy(LOL) but I love him to little angel.... and Cleo the bob tail kitten Celena found is always looking for something to chase, hunt or climb but being they are both strictly indoor kitties, Cleo has to find things in the house to climb. That can be real fun sometimes!! Miley always wants a lay in a box as soon as I set one down somewhere, in it Miley goes!!
It has been an absolutely beautiful, breezy, sunny day.. a touch of Fall in the air lately. Just couldn;t ask for a more beautiful day. Was quite breezy so my fabric I dyed did dry quickly, I stained a lot of dolls, etc and they dried fast out in the sun. Also pictured are two Turkey make do's that shipped last week. Ooooh I wish I could have just sat outside under that big tree in the back yard and read a book or just relaxed, but had so much to get done and wanted to get the above things done b/f we start getting rain and weather off that hurricane that is coming in. But it was sure awesome what time I did spend outside today.

I have a huge yard and the grass had grown up quite high but thank God my son in law Michael and his brother Chris came and mowed it Friday. I was so happy, just feel so much nicer to have the grass and yard looking nice. My sweet baby Curly seems to be happy the grass is cut too!! He needs to be sheared sooo bad. Going to have to get that done very soon, don't want him to be cold during the winter. Doesn't seem like we really had too much of a winter or summer this year. Weather has been so crazy every where this past year I believe. Will be interesting to see what the winter brings. I do hope we get some SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It has been an absolutely beautiful, breezy, sunny day.. a touch of Fall in the air lately. Just couldn;t ask for a more beautiful day. Was quite breezy so my fabric I dyed did dry quickly, I stained a lot of dolls, etc and they dried fast out in the sun. Also pictured are two Turkey make do's that shipped last week. Ooooh I wish I could have just sat outside under that big tree in the back yard and read a book or just relaxed, but had so much to get done and wanted to get the above things done b/f we start getting rain and weather off that hurricane that is coming in. But it was sure awesome what time I did spend outside today.

I have a huge yard and the grass had grown up quite high but thank God my son in law Michael and his brother Chris came and mowed it Friday. I was so happy, just feel so much nicer to have the grass and yard looking nice. My sweet baby Curly seems to be happy the grass is cut too!! He needs to be sheared sooo bad. Going to have to get that done very soon, don't want him to be cold during the winter. Doesn't seem like we really had too much of a winter or summer this year. Weather has been so crazy every where this past year I believe. Will be interesting to see what the winter brings. I do hope we get some SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Watching Monday Night Football!! WOOOOOT!! ESPN tonight... Dallas and Oakland.....rather sloppy game...but hey, at least it is Foot Ball!!! Waited what seems like forever for this to start again. Been watching a number of the exhibition games on NFL station this past week, glad to see Monday Night FootBall on ESPN though.. starting to feel like Fall!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, August 12, 2012
My neighbors grand child wanted to play with my camera after church today so she took a couple pics of me....she is like my dear grandkids.. loves to play with that camera!!! (wonder why my batteries in it are always dead!) And they always snap the pic when you AREN'T ready!! She also took pics of bugs and bird poo on the porch and anything else that was "Intersting"...
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Oh I feel life has come back in to my body!! FOOTBALL is back LIVE more watching reruns of college games from last fall on cable..LOL The first pre season game of 2012 is on!!!! is on the NFL channel, which thankfully I have! WOOT WOOT!!!!Enjoying the game.. Saints and Cardinals. Ohh, finally, Football is back! Life is good.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Eye Candy!!!
I picked up the new copy of The Country Sampler today.... The new Fall issue and OH My Golly!! Is it AWESOME!!! The homes and rooms they featiured this time were sooo beautiful and prim and all decked out for a perfectly primitive Fall look!! I absolutely loved it, must say it was the best I have seen from them in a LONG time. If you haven't gotten a copy, pick one up, sit back with a cup of coffee and enjoy!!
Dustin still loves to sit in that polyfil.. I put a lot of it in this crate and he sat in it and played on the laptop puter. Then he put it on his head and feet to look like he was taking a sudsy lathered up bath! My kitty Cleo is that breed that looks a lot like a jack rabbit.. she has no tail, she lays so funny with her back legs stuck out like a rabbit! Kitty Cleo also loves this green Christmas fleece blanket and laid in Dustin's lap on it and slept tonight
Monday, July 30, 2012
Day at The Museum
My grandson Dustin and I went to the museum today, spending a little time with him b/f school starts. We picked Celena up and she went with us, the three of us had lunch afterwards. Nice day. Guess I will have to take him back home in a day or two. They grow up so fast!! He is already 9 yrs old as of last week! Oh dear!
Sunday, July 1, 2012
My adorable little Cleo! Top two are Cleo in the bathroom trash can as soon as I emptied it, then she is in the mop bucket in the kitchen and then she is sleeping the the bowl on top of the kitchen table that has a sunflower plant in it. She is so cute, has no tail. She is the kitty Celena found out in the old shed in the back of my yard, she was hiding in an old dryer vent out there in the heat. Was probably only about 5 weeks old maybe when Celena found her. How could I say" No" to something soo adorable and cute!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Blue Berry picking in the Rain!
Getting pounded with rain and winds for a couple days now from those feeder bands off the tropical storm out there in the Gulf. Finally got a little break in the rain today for about an hour maybe so I ran out there to pick blueberries after running errands all afternoon..., the berries hadn't been picked in days so I was hurrying as fast as I could and when I was almost done it got real dark all... the sudden, another big heavy cloud had come in and it started pouring down rain so I just stayed out there and finished picking, it was close to 6 or so ths evening and I was losing some light so it was hard to see the little berries but I got a lot of them, about 2 pounds again. Seems to be my quota each time! But you know what, that cold rain felt soo good, I felt like a little kid again playing in the rain so I just stayed out there until I was satisfied with the picking and then I went to my garden and picked squash in the rain and finally came inside. That rain shower felt so refreshing! There was no lightening or thunder at the time so it was just plain ole enjoyable staying out in it!
Friday, June 22, 2012
God's awesome creations!
After my company left and the sun finally came up this morning I went out to hang some laundry and noticed a huge bee on my sunflower so I got a great close up of it, so kewl!! The fence is in the way a little but that is what the line across it is. Then on my front porch I have this old wooden birdhouse for decoratiion.. so I thought, been there for many years, I saw some dried grass sticking out of it today so I started to pull it out and there was a lot of it stuffed in there so I turned the birdhouse on it's side and a tiny little baby bird fell out and there was at least one more in there I saw! They were sooo teeny tiny! I had gently tunred it over so it didn't hurt the baby when it came out so I put him back in and set the birdhouse back on the bench where it had been and watched for the mamma to come feed them, hoping I hadn't disturbed them too much. I managed to get a good video clip of her going in and out feeding them so I feel better now that all is well at the bird house! They are so tiny and cute!! Then the Happy Dancing flower in my window is what my sister bought for me yesterday when we went to BarnYard Creations Gift shop in Sylvester, she also got me a delicious smelling candle. The dancing flower is solar powered and dances when the sun is hitting it. It makes me smile when I look at it, so cute! It is a very small one.. just perfect size.... sits on the top of the window and is so cute when it is just smiling and dancing away! Double sided tape holds it in place in the window..clever idea! I love the Smiley Face base on it, they had colored ones or the yellow smiley and since it made me smile every time I see it I wanted the Smiley Face! Have had a very fabulous and Blessed few days with my sister and Bob. Teresa went to church with me Wednesday night after we got in from road running all day so I was so happy about that. They go to church but it was just nice to have her visit my church here with me! Hope everyone has had a Blessed, Friday again already! I have go tot get super busy.. got soo mch to do! Blessings to all!
I had a wonderful three days with my sister Teresa and her hubby Bob. They are the type of people who are on the go all the time, so for three days that is what I did too! We went to Valdosta and ate at the new Olive Garden, spent the day there going to Hobby Lobby, Goodwill, Shoe Carnival, and just all sorts of places, even some of which I have never been in b/f. The next day was on to a little town called Sylvester where we go for our traditional Stop N Shop at a wonderul little gift shop called "BarnYard Creations". Barbara the owner is a friend of mine and she sells the wonderful Swan Creek candles so we got some candles and then Barbara told us of a fantastic restaraunt close by called "Fat Boy's Bar B Q" so we ate there for lunch and oh was it ever delicious!! Tuesday night I had cooked a big dinner and had Celena and Michael over also , we had a great family get-together! Was so much fun having everyone here again.Last night after we got in from road running all day we picked blueberries and finally stopped to rest, put our feet up and just relaxed and chatted for a while. It was an awesome time with them, we ate a lot of rich delicious foods and stayed on the go. Teresa bought one of those fabulous chocolate cakes with the Butter Cream frosting from Publix.. my favorite cake in the world!!! Can't wait for them to come back again. I am sure I gained back a few pounds of the weight I have lost! But it was soo worth it. They wouldn't let me pay for anything the whole time they were here so all my meals and things weer free.. that was so generous of them!! I had to act like a real tourist and took pics of us at Olive Garden, Hobby Lobby, pics of my sunflowers again, the big dinner I cooked Tuesday night, etc....They left early this morn to go home, I was actually up at ten after four this morning, they had just gotten up also and were getting the car loaded for the trip home. I loaded them up with blueberries, green tomatoes and things from my garden. I said my good byes around 5 this morn,(boo hoo sniff sniff) and watched them leave. So sad. But so thankful they got to come, I had an absolutely wonderful time. I can't wait for therm to come back again. Love having them here. Blessings to everyone......
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Having a great time with my sister Teresa and her hubby Bob who atre up for a visit for a few days.Took some pics of us, my garden, my sunflowers are blooming as of yesterday, pics of my yard.. part of it anyway.. I have a huge one! And of course Curly , my goat, being nosey as usual. He loves having his picture taken! I am having a wonderful time with my company. Celena and Michael were here for dinner tonight as well. Michael and Chris mowed my lawn for me while I was in Valdosta getting my three hour IV infusion treatment yesterday . UGh, what a way to spend the day. But I REALLY appreciate them mowing the lawn for me.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Had a very nice day yesterday and 2day. Sandy and Todd were here yesterday, had a great vist and Todd took us out to eat at Waffle House yesterday evening. Sandy brought me a few goodies.....we always exchange a few items... the jar candle and the tart with the crow were from her plus she gave me a few tarts.. all smell soo yummy! Sandy and I went to our favorite Thrift Store of course! Hate to see them go home, wish they could stay longer. Today I received my mail..and woot wax mason jar with the flicker candle and a couple scented wax items came from Carmen Smith of "Waxed Out Creative Life" blogspot! Love her work, the packaging was so beautiful, primitively perfect.... I hated to unwrap it but of course I did. Am enjoying all of my two days worth of goodies sooo very mcuh, they all smell so good. Then there is a pic above of my Miley with little Cleo.. Miley has finaly decided to accept Cleo being here. Cleo just loves to try to curl up with the dogs and Miley.. just who ever will let her! This time it was Miley. Have a Blessed Day everyone!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The sound on this new computer is totally awesome!!! Listening to some of my fav music. It sounds like a really awesome surround sound system!! That is what I didn't like about the laptop and any other puters I have, the sound is so low but this one is honestly like a surround sound! You wouldn't be able to stand it full volume in the same room with it!!
Got my sandals I had been wanting soo bad! They were $34.99 at Shoe Carnival in Valdosta but the sale was for $19.99 and the second pair for only half price of that soo Woot Woot!! I got two pair! They are very comfy which I was surprised b/c the RA has made my feet to where I can't wear very many types of shoes but thank God these are fine! It is nice to be able to go buy something you like and get it on sale!!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Wow!! Been a while! Had issues with my other computer so I had to buy a new one, this time I bought a brand new one, a Dell and I love it! Has sooo much Kewl stuff on it. It has a huge screen and is an "all in one" wireless so I can just take it from room to room, has the wireless mouse and keyboard too. A couple months ago Celena and Michael gave me a practically brand new Toshiba laptop. A friend of Michael's in the Navy shipped out to Afghanistan so the laptop wasn't going with them and they gave it to Michael, he and Celena gave it to me cause they didn't want it. Sooo, I am well covered in computers for now! I started my IV treatments yesterday. Was sooo scared and nervous about possible side effects or reactins to the drug, but I did fine. Celena and Michael drove me to Valdosta where I am getting the infusions.. have to go every two weeks for 2 hour IV treatments for six week and then I only have to go once every 8 weeks, for life. Had a great day with Celena and Michael though, we had lunch afterwards and then went to do a little shopping. I started to get a headache and heart palps and a few things like that later that evening after I was home, I am assuming that was all from the medication in my Treatment but it wasn't bad. So I was much more relieved. Also got weighed in at the doc office yesterday and have lost another 7 pounds so that was very happy news! Been losing weight steady now. Glad to be back on here and able to Blog again! Blessings to all!
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Not much new
Haven't posted in a while. Thanks so much Delores for caring and checking up on me. Weather has gotten soooo hot! Have another doc appt for my left arm and shoulder tomorrow in Valdosta with my rhuematologist. Little worried if he is going to say surgery this time but I am praying God will heal it and I won't have anything done to it. My little conatiner garden is looking better.I love fried green tomatoes and three tomato plants are looking good but I mostly am growing them for Curly. I don't like red tomatoes so Curly will get them all. Hope everyone has a very blessed week ahead. Blessings!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Pitiful Garden of Hope!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Bunny and Road Kill...
Thursday, April 5, 2012
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