Monday, November 29, 2010
Lyra and Lysha Off to California!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
The Lighting of the Christmas Lights on the Square ThanksGiving Night
Every Thanksgiving Night here in Moultrie there is the lighting on the square. All the shop keepers open their shops, there is free coffee, hot chocolate and snacks everywhere.. Santa arrives for the countdown for the BIG lighting of the lights and tree at the square, there is live music, Christmas and Gospel songs of course! There are pony rides for the kids, horse drawn carriage rides, etc. Just a beautiful, beautiful evening to end a wonderful day! And this year was the best ever being there with my family for the first time all being together here! .. so glad they all came up to see me!
The Best ThanksGiving Ever!!
What a miracle! We haven't been together as a family in over 15 years! There were 12 of us squeezed into my house and some times 13 with Ronnie here. We had air matresses going for a few sleeping arrangements, the couch, love seat and what ever we could find..., LOL.. it was awesome and I loved every second of it. Was a Full House for sure. My sister Teresa and her hubby Bob got in early Tuesday, my niece Vannessa, her hubby Jerry who is back from Pakistan (US Air Force), and their 2 year old son Gabriel got here Tuesday evening and everyone else arrived early Wednesday morning (my brother Jimmy, his wife Sophie, their daughter Jessica and then Michael and Celena here also). We cooked all day and had our Thanksgiving Dinner late Wednesday afternoon, decided to do that and just enjoy FootBall and fun Thursday.. worked out great and so glad we did it that way... then we all went to the downtown square for the Lighting on The Square.. was lovely as usual. Was a great time. Then we came back here to my house, stayed up playing "Uno" card game for hours Wednesday and Thrusday night. What a blast, a crazy group of people. Michael, my SIL, is soo funny and so is my Brother Jimmy and brother in law Bob. We all laughed the whole 3 days they were all here, I had invited Ronnie to be a part of all the festivities, (my daughter Celena's father) for dinner Wednesday and again Thursday evening for left overs and to go to the square with us all and then back here for hours of "Uno" afterwards.We all had such a great time. I will never forget it. It was such a wonderful Blessing to me and to be with my family again finally! Friday morn of course was hard...saying goodbye to everyone as they all headed back to Bradenton, Florida and Vannessa, Jerry and Gabriel head back to New Jersey where he is stationed with the US Air Force. But the hardest of all is yet to come....Michael and Celena will be leaving tomorrow(Sunday) to go back to California. Celena, my baby girl, has been here with me since March when Michael was deployed back to Afghanistan, so saying goodbye to her will be the hardest thing tomorrow as they leave. Don't know when I will see her again, will probably be more than a year. Not looking forward to her leaving. My heart is breaking already but I am so thankful for what time we have been together and for this AWESOME Thanksgiving! Truly so much to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving 2010! Never imagined it would happen! Praise the Lord! And may God keep Celena and Michael. Blessings to all of You and Yours!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Dear Dad

Been a tearful morning...I miss my Dad so much. Been thinking about him a lot this morning. He has been passed away for close to 2 years. He was such a great comfort, inspiration, and strength to me. His prayers were so powerful, his love so sincere. I miss you so much Daddy,oh how I miss you so much.. God Bless, I was so lucky to have him for my earthly father.
Monday, November 15, 2010
My Big Fall/Holiday Show was This weekend
Oh gee am I tired!! Getting too old for this stuff..LOL. It was a beautiful show, always enjoy seeing vendors and customers, chatting and visiting with folks. One gentlemen stopped by my booth and chatted for a while, he said he had bought a few of my black dolls in the past and noticed I didn't have any this year. He was right, I only had one that sold early that morn. I just ran out of time and didn't get any made this year. Probably had more seasonal and Christmas items than anything, sold quite well. Just wish I had been able to get started earlier on my show stock and could have had more every day things, ornaments, and black dolls. The weekend was very busy with setting up Friday. Fortunately my neighbor, Roger, helped Celena and me set up my booth. I don't know if Celena and I could have done it by ourselves and had time to put out the stock! But Roger hauled the display to the show for me since he has a truck and set up the display wall pieces. He and his daughter helped us tear it down Sunday so they were a HUGE help to us. Anyway, here are some pics of my booth. Was a very busy show, Saturday and Sunday. We tore down Sunday, came home and I went to bed early..LOL! No problem sleeping that night. Celena unloaded the van for me b/f I awoke this morning , then she and I went to Valdosta today to shop for a few things. Have to house and doggy sit for Sandy later this week while she and her family do her Savannah show. I am going to drive to her house Thursday and probably return Sunday. Hope to get some down time and rest while I am there. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She is not feeling real well lately since starting the chemo but she is strong and positive. Blessings to all!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
More stuff done tonight,
Whew, times a flyin' and we have soo much more we wanted to add for stock, but we set up tomorrow so the only time left will be maybe a little time tomorrow night if I can manage to work on stock any. Setting up is exhausting for me these past number of years...but now with just me and Celena to do it, well I will probably be bed ridden by tomorrow evening! LOL. Here is some more stuff we finished tonight. The Christmas Annie still needs her candy cane in her arms and the other girls need bows and buttons and something in their arms, cheeks blushed,the snowmen are from one of Sandy's patterns, Olde Country Cupboard. I sold the three I had for the show last weekend so I made 5 more last night. Gee, I just want to go to bed, have to get up at six and get busy. My neighbor is going to help me take display over to the show and he is an early bird so we have to get up and get out there to help him load it up. The show is just across the hwy from me so I can practically throw my stuff over there!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Old Quilt Santa
The pics certainly do not do him justice at all... LOL...
I made this Olde Santa out of an unfinished vac cover body I had sitting around for over two years. Have lots and lots of old cutters quilts in my pantry closet so I decided to make him an old coat and hat from one of the quilts, grunged them up, took a few days to dry. The quilts are so old and tattered I was afraid to put them in a dryer. Anyway, love the way he turned out. I made his santa bag full of goodies from some old tweed fabric I had. He is aprox 57", yup a big old guy!! I also put one of those flickering battery operated grungy candle sticks in his bag. A lady at the show this last week told me those candles will last aprox two months burning 24/7 with a good battery such as an energizer b/f battery needs replacing so that it what I put in it. The old bear is from a thrift store, grunged it up too. Think I will put $75.00 on him. If he doesn't sell, well I will be happy to keep him for myself. I really do love him!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
More stuff for show
Lots of stuff done and almost done... I printed out these graphics onto stained muslin and stitched them on some red ticking fabric stockings, still need to fill the stockings with greenery and cinnamon sticks. Then I used a sweet meadows farm bear pattern, made the tummy a bit smaller and no legs.. stuck them in these old cutters quilt stockings I made up, they still need greenery and such in them also. These snowmen in a stocking, not so sure I like them. I only made two of them. Had the bodies here and decided to stick them in a stocking. Then I have some santa dolls made from an Olde Country Cupboard pattern... couldn't tell you which pattern it is right now..LOL.. but she has a lot of wonderful santa patterns .......Then Celena has about 16 of the BIG plastic candy canes wrapped in fabric which need to be decorated with greenery, bells and I have the cards printed out to go on them so that will be on her to do list for tomorrow....and now last, well here is Miley doing her job quite well..... keeping the couch warm in case I need to sit down it will be warm for me. Well back to work, lots more going and lots more to do yet! Blessings to all and thanks Judy and Nanna for your kind words and yes Linda, I named Bristol after Sarah's daughter..LOL.. I like some of these celebrity's names! Thanks hon!
Kitchen full of stuff for show too
These little boots are so adorable, made in a mold with beeswax and I grunged them a little in cinnamon after they set up, Celena used a needle and craft thread to pierce a hole and run a thread to hang them by. I will pkg these two in a pkg. They are so detailed, I love these! Then I have tons of room sprays made up, Celena and I did these tonight and already have lots of tarts made up so my kitchen and house smell wonderful and my craft room smells of coffee, cinnamon, and vanilla from where we stained old cutters quilt stockings and such. Here is a pic of some stitchery pillows Celena did. She absolutely loves the grinch pillow the best, it is one of Sami's stitchery designs.. you can purchase the pattern from Sandy's daughter Samantha on her blog or website. Celena has about 8 pillows made so far and she has done a lot of garlands. Tonight I printed headers out for her to pkg her garlands and the santa beeswax boots. She has worked really hard toward the show these past two days and tomorrow will be a very long day, set up Friday and the show is Saturday. Still need to price everythin g! Oh No!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Finishing up some things
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