Sunday, February 28, 2010
Knuckle Head factory! Please email me with your info and I will mail the patterns out to you as soon as you make your selection.. any three you choose. Thanks so much to all who entered, gosh it is so hard having to draw only one name as everyone is so kind and leave such sweet comments! It is nice to know there are such wonderful people around. Thank you to everyone who entered and for your kind thoughts and well wishes. It has been a very hard weekend, very hurtful things unravel and ugly truths come out about people and things you wish you didn't have to know about. Gosh how I wish Football was still on, that is a nice distraction for me as I LOVE football. Maybe some day my ship will come in but I always said I would be at the airport when it does! And so far that has been true...LOL!! If I am meant to be alone, well so be it, NO PROBLEM!! Been alone for a long time. Anything is better than having to try to unravel lies and deceit day in and day out to stress your life completely! Thanks again to everyone who entered my give away and all of those who visit my blog. Blessings to you all!!!! Please continue to visit! Thanks!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Another messy view..LOL!
This old rooster cupboard serves as a great storage bin for fabric and magazines, feed sacks, etc. And of course another wood crate on top of it full of bolts of fabric.The basket has pieces and bits of fabrics, fat quarters ands such but is running over these days!. There is a long cabinet and it's counter top which serves as a great workplace for me when I am painting doll faces, etc. also the cabintes above and below it are full of supplies. It is a bit messy but is tucked in the back portion of the house in the laundry/ sewing room so no one has to look at it when they come in the house!
Re- Arranging and Re-Doing.
I have been trying to occupy my time with as much as I can. Got plenty of sewing to do but need a little break from that occasionally. I brought this cupboard in from off the back porch and re arranged this bathroom,it is a good size L shape bathroom so I can fit a few things in there. Against the wall is a bench that matches the cupboard. An old friend had made both items for me many years ago.It was back when the Country style wood stuff was big. I have never had the heart to paint over these and I like them the way they are. So this bathroom is done in the wood country style. I am making a fresh start and I want to re do some rooms with items I already have, helps the Fresh Start feel better! I enjoy re-arranging anyway.
Antique Dresser
This old dresser has been with me for about 28 years! I used to clean houses on the side many moons ago when I lived in Bradenton, Florida b/f my youngest daughter was ever born. The lady owned a private school and was married to a doctor. They built a huge new house and gave me some of her old antiques that they had sitting around, this was one of them.I have a lot of old wooden crates and wood boxes so I have filled them with bolts of fabric too. Might as well put them to good use.This is also in my Laundry/sewing room.
Amish Goat Cart
This old Goat Cart I purchased many years ago from a local antique store here in town. Since I moved over here over 3 yeras ago I don't have the room I used to so I have always had a hard time placing the goat cart some where and refuse to leave it on the front porch.. probably wouldn't be there the next day if you know what I mean! LOL! So Finally I saw a pic in a magazine a couple years ago, was a quilt shop who had fabric bolts in a cart at her shop so I deceided that was a great idea! Soooo,I filled it with fabric bolts, works for me! And gets the cart out of the way. You can see the messy box with doll parts hanging from it too..LOL!
Messy Sewing room, no shame!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Zoie, How cute is she??
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow, Snow,Snow in Georgia! WoooHoo!
I know those folks up north think I am crazy but I have wanted to see snow for ever! We finally got it today in Moultrie, Georgia! It started early this evening maybe around 5, started out just really thick, within an hour it was coming down so heavy and fast with flakes larger than potato chips and covereing everything in a light sheet of white, so gorgeous!! Oh it was so beautiful! I stood out in it for over an hour taking pics, could hear neighbors and their children yelling and screaming playing it in it all excited! I wanted to play too but had to act like an adult. I didn't really think it was going to stick b/c it has been raining all day long but hasn't been out of the 30's. Then this evening it started snowing and was sticking and within an hour or so it was covering roof tops and everything. I hope it stays through out the night and I can get some beautiful pics in the morning. I took pics until it got too dark out side. But it is still coming down! Oh, here is my snowman I built on the back of my car..heeee, ok, don't laugh, we don't get any practice at this sort of thing here! Well, back to sewing and peeking out the window every few minutes to look at this very unusual and beautiful sight we are enjoying here in SW Georgia! Blessings, to all, Carmen.
Curly acted scared to death of the snow!
Monday, February 8, 2010
My new website is open and in celebration I am having a new Give away on my Blog. ANY THREE PATTERNS of your own choice. All you have to do is JOIN or ALREADY be a member of my blog and leave me a comment below to enter. Jennie is still working and hasn't gotten all of my patterns listed yet so please keep checking back. All patterns will be listed on there by the time I have the Give-Away Drawing so you will have a chance to view all the patterns. Drawing will be February 28th, thanks so much to everyone for stopping by!
The New WebSite is now open! My site is now The Olde FarmHouse Road, formerly Little Country Blessings for many,many years. (All patterns, etc of Little Country Blessings are now copyright and property of The Olde Farmhouse Road)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Zoie was adopted from the pound as a puppy last year. My daughter Celena adopted her but had to leave Zoie with me as she headed for California to be with her husband Michael who is in the Navy and stationed in California. Zoie was a chewing nightmare for a good while! LOL!!..... but finally has started to get over that, whew! I buy her stuffed animal toys from the Salvation Army store for twenty five cents each..can't beat that! (run them through the washer first!) and she is content with those toys these days. But I still have to be careful what is lying around. She is so sweet and precious and has gotten to where she listens quite well now. Zoie has become great company for me.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Finished Dolls this week!
Managed to get three orders done for finished items, Geraldines Hen and Mammy Vacuum covers. These are both my own designs, patterns available on my website. And OMG, I am so happy to see all of you who have already re-joined my blog!! And such sweet comments too, you really brighten my day for sure. Guess I need to re-join blogs since I deleted mine and had to start over.. or do I? Not sure how that works! LOL! God Bless each and every one of you and wish I could have given each of you a slice of that pie..heee and yes Becky, that was in Sandy's kitchen this Christmas season.... you know it girl! God Bless!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Starting Over..litterally

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