I ran across my Chrismas bowls and platters today so I set them out. Only place I could find for these poor bowls was in the dish drainer sitting in the sink!

This tiny little stocking I just had to buy, was only like $2.00 but soo cute. Bought it at a wonderful little gift shop in Sylvester, nearby town, the shop is called "BarnYard Creations". Barbara, the owner, has the most awesome smelling jar candles, been buying them from her for several years now. Went there with my sister and her hubby when they came up for Thanksgiving last year and again this year, she loves the shop too. It has become a tradition for us to go there now during their annual Thanksgiving visit!

This is hanging on a stepback cupbpard,the Red and white chicken hanger hook was purchased from Hobby Lobby a couple years ago.

I used to have these short white picket wooden fence pieces across my front yard by the dirt road but they got knocked down so much so for about a year they have been just stacked together leaning against a tree by the road so I hauled them into my fenced area on the side of the house yesterday. I am going to attach them to the fence in this little area and get them straightened up so they look better. I have wanted to make that area into a little nicley decorated flower garden or something that I can step out my bedroom door and enjoy.

Was rather cold today, Corky stayed in a lot. I had the heat going all day and oh yes, still going tonight! My fingers are still freezing!

The olde white Farm Table in my kitchen. These are some Christmas platters I have had for soooo many years! I keep forgetting about them most every Christmas, they stay put away so that is probably how they have survived for so long. I set them out today and remembered just how much I do like them.

Curly, alway wanting his face in the camera....see any buggers in there???

His hair is really growing fast again. He will need to be sheared by early spring as soon as the chill in the air goes away. Otherwise he could catch a cold.

Took this beautiful picture out my back door yesterday afternoon. This tree is so pretty, still shedding it's fall colored leaves. Was rather windy and the leaves were blowing off in big showers of leaves every time the wind would kick up. Was a gorgeous day, very cool and windy. I just loved it. Sat outside for a bit and just looked around at how beautiful it is and thought about how blessed I was feeling. Was so peaceful and quiet. I really love it here, especially this time of year.
Just enjoying the time after the rush of shows being over. Finally can walk outside and "smell the roses"...so beautiful out there. Cool and cold days lately, beautiful trees still losing the Fall colored leaves. My backyard covered in leaves from the pecan tree that has already shed all it's leaves. I love the sounds of the crunching leaves when the dogs are running around out there all frisky from the wonderful cool crisp air! Curly comes running from the Barn to greet me every time he hears me let the dogs out, he knows I am out there too so I hear the sound of the big Jingle Bells around his neck jinlging as he runs, especially love that sound in the cold night air.. ahhhhhh, so magical sounding. I love the Christmassy time of year, everything about it. Took a few pics the other day, one of the trees still losing it's leaves. It is so pretty. Curly of course always poses for the camera, and I finally got my white wooden fence peices brought to the side of my house where I have a smaller fenced in area. I am going to get them set up this week hopefully, want to attach them to the taller wire fence to help keep the dogs from getting through there. Normally I take the dogs out in the bigger area out back where Curly is, but sometimes I let them out on this side area. They will always look for a hole in the fence to get through if you turn your back for a second! So I hope the picket fence will put a stop to that.