It has been a Very quiet Halloween night at my house tonight..... eeeearily quiet! LOL! Just me here. No trick or treaters out tonight, but these days I would be afraid to open the door anyway. But gee I sure miss those simpler days when I was a kid and Halloween was safe and fun, tons of us were out in the streets wearing our costumes, I would be soo excited waiting until we could go out and get started collecting candy trick or treating with our parents tagging behind as we went door to door gathering goodies...seems everyone went and the streets were full, there were carved and lit Jack-O-Lanterns at most every house. I remember how wonderful that smell was of a candle burning inside the pumpkins. My mom used to make caramel popcorn balls and dipped Carmel Candy Apples.. oh those wonderful smells of Halloween's past.
Then when my girls were little, I used to be able to take them and go trick or treating too, even though it wasn't nearly as crowded out on the streets as it was when I was a child... but anymore it is so different as we all know. Sadly, I don't think I have seen a trick or treater at my door in about 6 years or more. Probably much safer for the little kids to do other things, community & church parties and activities and such instead of going door to door BUT I sure miss those old days when it was fun and safe.