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Friday, September 27, 2013

Would appreciate prayers....

Would really appreciate your prayers. I have an issue I have been dealing with for probably a couple months now. Been sent to three different docs and now on to a 4th scheduled for Oct 1st. I have a tumor growing right below my ear/neck area and also a knot over my eye on the same side, they believe it is all in the lymph node, CT scan showed tumor. The past couple days I can tell it has enlarged even more. They are supposed to biopsy it when I go in Oct 1st. I am really nervous about this. Also my dear brother in law Bob Margraf, (my sister's hubby), is currently in the hospital in Bradenton, Florida where they still live. He is stage 4 cancer, just recently diagnosed. They are trying an experimental drug on him that may be able to stop the cancer. I called and talked with him this afternoon. I was down to see them this past June when I also @ that time made my last trip to Sandy's house. She and Todd actually had come up to my house and picked me up, I spent a couple days with Sandy and then my brother came up from Bradenton, Florida (my home town) and took me on to Bradenton to visit them and my sister and brother in law who I stayed with while there. Seems when it rains it pours anymore. Prayers appreciated. Blessings. (Below.. pic of my brother in law earlier this summer. He has always been in military and then law enforcement)


  1. Oh My Dear Friend, how sad, will keep you both in my prayers, Bear Hugs Francine.

  2. I am sorry to hear about you and your brother in law, cancer is such a horrible thing to deal with and not knowing, can be the hardest. My prayers that your tumor is not a bad one and for your BIL, as well.

