Been very busy and a little sick. Had to unexpectedlygo to an Oral Surgeon today so needless to say I am not feeling the greatest this evening but not too bad actually, got to go back early next week for more work to be done, they will put me under for that and will do more than they did today. Not especially looking forward to that visit, they said I will have to have some one drive me home. But actually it was a very much more pleasant visit today than what I got all worked up for. Went smooth and easy and the dentist was very kind. Sandy and I have been working together to lose weight, encouraging each other. We have both shed a bit of pounds I am happy to say. I have lost over 20 so far and I believe she has lost closer to 30. She is rather thin, never was that big anyway but we had that poochy stomach thing going on. My pants almost fell off me twice today while I was out feeding the chickens! But those were elastic waisted PJ pants I wear around the house a lot but still was so glad to see them getting that loose! Still trying to find homes for the remaining puppies. People call and say they want them and then you never hear back from them. It is a very hot and muggy evening here. Rumbling thunder in the far off but no rain yet. Hope we get some soon. Just Love stormy evenings at home, curl up on the couch with a cup of coffee or cocoa and a good magazine. I took Curly (my goat) for a walk this evening as it started to get dark. He listens to me extremely well and does what I ask so I don't need a leash on him anymore. He won't hardly go more than a few feet away from me and doesn't like for the dog or anything to come near me when he is with me. He is a GREAT watch dog, he tried to buck at my neighbor for walking toward me the other day so he is very protective!! LOL! Curly's hair is getting long again. I use his hair for my santa beards,he is a very long haired mountain goat so his hair grows long and curly. He is so beautiful. I have had him for a very long time and hope he will be around many more years to come. Well better go, got a few dolls to work on tonight. YES SANDY I AM WORKING!!!! She is always on me about that but it is a good thing. Blessings to all. Here is a pic of my beloved Curly! God Bless!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
RainBow after the Storm
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sandy and Me ready to go off to Jo Ann fabrics!

Hardly no sooner than they got back from the cruise Sandy and I were off to Jo Ann fabrics with coupons in hand! LOL! That night Sandy sat there and drew up and made two new patterns while I watched TV.... gee I don't know how she does it! GRRRRR!!! Wish I was that creative. Her mind always seems to be in crafting mode. Stop by Sandy's " The Olde Country Cupboard blog" and check out her two newest e-patterns, soo cute! I really enjoyed my time at Sandy's house sitting and then visiting when they returned, got my hair cut short and colored while I was there too. Becky was supposed to house sit for Sandy and Todd but Becky became very ill and was hospitalized the night b/f she was supposed to be there so fortunately I was able to fill in the hole for her. Best wishes to Becky and prayers for a speedy recovery. Becky had made a little scrap bag for Sandy, it is weighted and sits there hanging off the edge of the table by the sewing machine. It has a cute fabric bag for tossing your scraps in, I absolutely loved it. Becky does beautiful, beautiful work. I hope to buy one from her, I sure could use it! My scraps and threads go all over the couch or floor and then I have a major clean up job after everything I stitch. Well I have a back log of work to do so I shall end on that note! Blessings to all who stop by! Carmen B.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
House Sitting for Sandy
I drove down here this past Friday afternoon, July 9th, to Sandy's and they left early Saturday morning for their cruise, my daughter Celena Jem stayed behind to keep the animals at my house. I am still here in Starke, today is Sandy's b-day....she wanted me to stay and visit a few days after they returned from their cruise. Becky was supposed to house sit for Sandy but she ended up very ill and in the hospital about two nights b/f Sandy and Todd were to leave for the Bahama's. I felt terrible that Becky became ill and I had to pack and leave at a moments notice but I have enjoyed my stay here, has been very relaxing for me. I really needed the get away more than I realized! This has been an all expense paid vacation for me as well! It was nice having a lot of alone time, enjoyed he pool. Had a lot of relaxation in it during the days and a few times I went for a midnight swim, the sky was so beautiful and so peaceful so I really have enjoyed the blessing! I also brought along some patterns and fabric and have been working on a wholesale order as well. My daughter has nagged me for so long about getting my hair colored and cut again so yesterday I went and had that done while I was here. Sandy had left me the name of the girl who cuts her hair so I went to see her yesterday, it is a drastic change from what my hair was before. I think I like it but have to get used to this for sure! Sandy and Todd got back early this morning. She and I went to the Ark Thrift store this afternoon and guess we will go to Jo Ann fabrics in Jacksonville tomorrow and then I will drive home Saturday morning, weather permitting. I don't like to drive in the rain, especially on the interstate so I am praying for a break from all these rain storms we have been having lately. I have been gone for 8 days now and I need to get home I suppose. Thank God Becky is home from the hospital and doing well. I have the e-pattern version of the new prairie doll available. Hope all is well in your world! Thanks for stopping by! Blessings to all, Carmen
Thursday, July 8, 2010
New Prairie Doll Pattern finished, E-Pattern available.
E-Pattern now available for Simple Anne Prairie Doll, $6.00. Use button to left to purchase. This is Simple Anne Prairie Doll, aprox 29". I will get her added to my website in a couple days. If you would like to order the pattern or finished doll now, click paypal button to left or contact me at
She is $8.00 ppd in the USA for mailed pattern, and $32.95 finished ppd in USA... outside USA will be actual shippping charge for that pattern or finished doll added. If you would like to order the mailed version or finished doll now using paypal, my email listed above is my paypal addy and just specify the Simple Anne Doll. Thank you!
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