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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Dear Sweet Sandy Schmidt.. In Gainesville Hospital.She is fighting that demon signet ring cell carcinoma and we are knowing GOD is healing her body and she will be home and back to normal!  This is a lovely prayer quilt she has on her. I was blessed to be able to tie a few knots on it Sunday and pray over it. I visited her a couple hours in ICU.. she was looking better and she is fighting hard. All prayers soo much greatly appreciated for her and her family. God Bless and heal my dear friend, in Jesus name, Amen Thank You Jesus. Photo: Hospital update ...

Picture is of the quilt on her hospital bed.  She sleeps a lot because of the nausea and pain medication.  She has another 2 days of chemo drugs.  Hopefully she will be sitting up soon, and then walking. She's very weak.   Her skin actually hurts her when touching her.  Some of the side affects of the chemo ...


  1. That is wonderful that you all made the quilt for her, I truly believe that the love and prayers that go into a quilt are so helpful in healing those going through cancer. I made one for my sister and she always uses hers after treatments to remind her that I am there in spirit.


  2. Oh I'm so glad you could be with her. Hate this! Prayers going out for everyone. So wish she could be well to enjoy her new grandbaby. God Bless!
